Thursday, May 14, 2009

What my brother doesn't know....

The saturday before Mother's day we got up to my parents in time for supper. Just a few minutes before my brother and his family arrived. I love my brother and I love his wife, but lord do they love to tease. So they were teasing me like crazy being like so you are pregnant. (and if they knew we were trying it is because they found out from 3 people that they don't talk to). So they were just giving us a hard time. I was getting mad during there teasing. Thinking man what if I was pregnant and going to tell everyone and they just totally screwed up my big announcement. But as it is I'm just waiting on my period to try again. So I just kept telling my brother "what do you know that I don't".

Well, Sunday was 5 weeks post period and I was thinking all my "symptoms" were in my head. Monday night we were at the campground near Niagara and I was like when we stop by the drug store tomorrow lets pick up a pregnancy test. So, we do and we walk all over Niagara on Tuesday. We got back to the campground and watched the sunset and before we eat I go went to the bathroom and POAS. I am staring at it walking back to the campsite and one line of the plus is very strong and the other is pretty faint and I am in SHOCK. I hand it too DH and was like I need to look at the instructions. So I grab the instructions and the line that is faint is the one that shows up or -. The one that is strong is plus. OMG. I just laughed hysterically. We are going to have a baby! Seriously!!

Anyway, we are still on vacation which is going great and it is kind of nice to find out on vacation because we aren't tempted to tell everyone we know right now!


  1. Hoooooooooraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, Muttley, I knew it would happen so soon for you. Super excited! I'm dancing around for you :) Congrats to you, and hubby too!

  2. YAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!!! I'm SOOOO freakin' happy for you guys!!!!!!! This just made my day, seriously!!! Enjoy your time with DH just relishing your little secret. YAAAY!
