Monday, January 19, 2009

Being Bold and Facing your addictions

I am addicted to the WIR message board on msn. There I admitted it. I waste way too much time at work going over there and reading and typing messages. I have routinely promised myself, "this week, I will be more productive" and I don't do it. I get ticked at my lack of will power and then spend more time putzing on the net because I am mad at myself. So, today I went into my settings at work and made it a restricted site. So, no more posting from work, but that is a good thing. Hopefully it means more productivity at work which means more $$ for the company, bigger bonuses for me, better retention of clients (not that we have a real problem with that). In this economy you can't afford to waste time. Yeah I am posting on my blog, but I am not desperately waiting to see what "Beej" and "Sharing" and "Sheila" and "Nitza" and etc are talking about today. I can just write about my life and what I am thinking and let it be a quick little outlet.

So, I am going to work at being "miracle Mary" at work and not alter-ego Muttleynfelix on msn.

Speaking of "miracle Mary", at the F&P meeting at church on Saturday, I mentioned I throw shoes when I don't get my way. Which lead Dick to go, "I didn't know you were a Muslim". I told that story today at work and TRD goes, "Should we start calling you Muslim Mary instead of Miracle Mary". LOL

(5 hours later) Ok this is tough. I keep going to the website which comes up blocked. Cold turkey is tough. But I will get there. I know I will.

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