Thursday, January 22, 2009

Faith and other typical randomness

I mentioned yesterday about Faith. So, last night when I broke out my bible, I turned to Hebrews 11. This chapter is ALL about faith. The commentary in my bible called it the Faith Hall of Fame. I also turned to James (Lecia a former friend from my early college years had once told me it was one of the better books in the bible to read for something short sweet with lots of meaning". I start reading about Faith without works. Which to James, was nothing. But that doesn't mean you can have works without faith. Rich Mullins wrote a song called Screen Door on a Submarine. He sings "Its about as useless as a Screen Door on a Submarine. Faith without works, it just ain't happening. One is your left hand, one is your right. You need 2 strong arms to hold on tight". Funny how slighly random selections of readings really tied together. (The Hebrews chapter came from a list of "numbers to call" in different situations that I have had in my bible since Freshman year of college and James just came because it has been a long time since I looked at ... well other than the readings at church it has been a long time since I just sat down and read my bible).

Last night was a bit hectic: choir practice, get home eat, I pull out DDR (because I have been super stressed and DDR has been a great stress coping mechanism). I'm in the middle of a song and Bill comes back in the house from his man cave (aka the garage) and low and behold he has his brother with him. How did I miss a car driving up the driveway? Was I that into my game? It takes a good minute (under normal circumstances) to drive up our drive and we can see you the ENTIRE time (of couse the UPS driver made it in about 20 seconds). Anyway, Kevin laughed at me. I need to get somewhat use to it, having him around because we are going to be his home base for the next couple months or so. After DDR, it was empty the dishwasher and then off to bed. The last two nights instead of pulling out the book I am reading (Tribute, by Nora Roberts...typical Nora single title book) I have pulled out the bible to read.

Boss man wants to take me out to lunch today for passing my exam (yeah I realize we found out a month ago, but between having the stomach flu, christmas, and his wife's foot surgury; it got pushed to the back burner). Bill and I are going to this Pondering Parenthood Seminar tonight put on by my hospital. We were actually going to go over to Primas for supper, given that it is close and fairly quick (still going to leave work early though). So, now I am trying to find some place good that isn't overly filling so I can handle going out to eat twice in one day. Bill, on the way to work today, mentions that he wants a little "action" tonight (given that post surgury he can't have any for 4-6 weeks .... which is WAY longer than we have EVER gone since the week we started dating...what can I say, he was easy). Then he goes wait I'm going to going to a seminar that talks about the effects of that action...then he goes, nah I just don't care (about the effects, still wants the action). So he is coming around a lot on the whole having kids thing.

So, tonight it is Pondering Parenthood, then more DDR (because I like IT!) and then pack up things to go with us to the hospital (like my laptop and some books) and then early to bed because 4:30 is going to come way too early (Bill wants to leave 45 minutes for a trip that only takes 20 minutes ... especially that time of morning). The weather is suppose to be good (although not nearly as awesome as today) and Linda and Sam are going to come and Mickey is going to come after feed the horses and I will not lack for company. Hopefully, Bill will go first and it will all be over soon, but I am not counting on it.

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