Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inauguartion Day

I am not a fan of Barack Obama. I feel he is a whole lot of beautiful talk, but his walk in my opinion lacks. Well, maybe it doesn't if you are liberal, but I am not. I am a southwest Missouri conservative. I want the government out of my business even if it means I have to scrounge for food. I think the last 4 months have just proven that government intervention doesn't really work. Lets approve $700 BILLION for a bailout that does nothing except allow CEOs to continue to make big bucks, but we HAD to approve or the world was going to end and the markets were going to tank...oh look THEY TANKED ANYWAY. Ok, back onto my focus for today. Soon to be President Obama talks a centrists game, but NO ONE questioned his lack of a centrist record. Centrist....far from it. People wanted the "anti-establishment" by voting for him and what they got was the Clinton White House staff. "People" are acting like he is a savior. A savior? Sorry, only Jesus Christ is my savior. I probably wouldn't dislike him so much if people didn't put him so far high on a pedastal.

I don't disagree that this a great day in our nation's history, but I feel that he cannot deliver much (or most) of what he promised.

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