Saturday, January 17, 2009

Dear Diary

I use to write in a journal a lot. In fact all through college, while I took notes in class, I wrote in my journal. Usually something about the relationship or nonrelationship I was in. I really stopped when I started dating Bill, because it just took too much time when I couldn't do it while in class (and yeah I graduated with a 3.52 GPA with a BS in Civil Engineering, so it worked for me). So this is my new journal. I type SO much faster than I can write and it is actually ledgible!

So, news! Bill is having surgury on FRIDAY! Can I panic? Can I have a COW? Friday! OMG. Less than one week after we made the decision, he is going in for surgury. This better do it or I might get a lawyer and start suing people (I know not typically me, but really this is insane). Mickey and Linda M are going to sit with and I might ask Sally tomorrow to see if she wants to come around too. We have to be there at 6 am, but I have no clue what time they will take him back.

We had a Building and Grounds committee meeting this morning at church. Merlyn is the chair and he asked basically couples to be on the team. So we have Mickey and Merlyn, Joanna and Herold, Linda and Sam, Suzy and Leon, and Bill and I. Along with Raymond, Dick and Glenn. I think Sally and Jerome may be on there as well. It was a good meeting. We are a bunch of lets get it done sort of people.

After the meeting, Bill and I went furniture looking. We found a couch and love seat we REALLY like for a price we really like. We found a couple dining room tables that are close (some are closer than others but price is a sticking issue). We were very disappointed in the quality of the chests and dressers. If you are spending $500-$800 on a chest, you want quality. You want drawers that slide out nicely. But nothing seemed just perfect. So we will keep looking there.

Then we went to Game Stop and I bought my very first video game for just me. I finally bought DDR after wanting it for more than a year. I was so excited to get home and play, I didn't change when I did it and now I am all sweaty in my jeans and t-shirt. It is crazy, but fun. I did it with out shoes and my feet and shins sort of hurt. I am tempted to change and put on shoes and do it again since Bill is watching TV. I do want to figure out how to load more songs on it.

We also bought a wireless router for the house. I don't have it installed yet, but I can't wait to blog from my living room instead of my desk. We figured with Bill's surgury he may want to be in bed and putz on the net or play freecell.

Friday, when Bill told me about the surgury, I was pretty freaked out, but now I think it is just a matter of doing it. Friday will be here before we know it and this will all be over with. I know I need to work on leaving things in god's hands more. I think maybe for lent when I give up soda, I will read my bible every day. I really stopped doing that and I need to get back at it. Alison once decided for lent to give up a bunch of stuff and then also run a mile every day (or something like that). I like that philosophy. While lent is pondering that Jesus died for our sins, that he made the ultimate sacrifice and giving up something is suppose to enforce that sacrifice with us, doing something difficult everyday and giving up something everday enforces it even more.

Well, I think I am going to go run through our song for Sunday and then put my music in the car. I also have to decide if i want to do anything for the talent show at Church in February. I could probably play either my 7th or 8th grade competition songs without much effort, but something new might be nice and I do enjoy singing a lot too. Oh well, that is something to think about which I am so good at doing.

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